Brewery Cleaning With SAFECID
The Chad Ostram Brewfinity Story
Find out why Chad uses SAFECID to clean his brewery and make some of the finest and most creative beers in Wisconsin
Safely Brewing Great Beers Brewery Cleaning To “One-Hundred Percent”
How Chad Makes Adventurous, Award-Winning Wisconsin Beers and Keeps His Brewery “So Clean You Could Eat Off The Floors”
Meet Chad Ostram, a happy SAFECID customer and the creative brewmaster behind an award-winning variety of tasty beers at Brewfinity microbrewery in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Chad’s dream of owning his own brewery began in his college days as an engineering student in Milwaukee when his then girlfriend gave him a homebrew kit – and he and his college roommate made their first messy attempt at brewing on their kitchen stovetop.
Though that first attempt was “a giant mess”, Chad discovered a passion, kept at brewing, and pursued his dreams of one day owning a brewery until he could quit his day job and open a brewery of his own. “I think every home brewer kind of sits over that pot drinking their home brewed beer, enjoying the aromas and the whole process, and they start to think…hey, maybe I could do this professionally, someday.”’
Fast forward a few decades later and he’s now the proud owner and creative brewmaster of a thriving microbrewery. From humble beginnings in his college apartment to the top of the craft brewing game, Chad’s journey is a true inspiration for anyone with a passion and a dream. And a portion of Chad’s passion is reserved for cleaning his brewery so it’s “100 percent clean.”

From Homebrewing Dreams to A Successful Craft Brewery
His dream now a reality at Brewfinity, Chad brews a creative selection of craft beers, as well as traditional German style lagers crafted with a malt-forward flavor profile that suits the beer drinkers in his town. Each of his beers is carefully crafted with the highest quality ingredients and his creativity shows in his eclectic selection of brand names: Dirty Hippie West Coast IPA, Jorge Jalapeño Lager, and his 2020 Sliver Medal winner, “You’re killing Me S’mores”, a Porter with chocolate, marshmallow and graham flavors, which higlights his desire to make brewing an adventure. But like any brewer that works with ingredients like marshmallow, chocolate or Jalapeño, Chad quickly learned that those flavorful additives leave behind messy residues, oils, and strong flavors that require the kind of extra cleaning power that SAFECID delivers.
“Any brewer who has worked with Jalapeño knows how difficult it is to get those Jalapeño oils and flavors out of their pots, fermenters, kegs and lines. Those oils are powerful, and brewing with Jalapeño is messy and it takes a lot of attention to detail in cleaning and a great cleaning chemical to make that happen. SAFECID’s brewery cleaner is far and away the best product I’ve ever used to ensure that there is no Jalapeño residue left after cleaning. It just works so well.”

Safe, Strong Brewing Chemicals To Get Rid Of Jalapeño
Any brewer that works with fruits like cherry or something like Jalapeño quickly learns that those additives leave a powerful residue, oils, and flavors that require extra cleaning power. Case in point: Brewfinity’s Jalapeño lager, Jorge, is a house favorite, and Jorge is a good example of why you need a powerful brewery chemical to clean your equipment – deeply. Chad says that “any brewer who has worked with Jalapeño knows how difficult it is to get those Jalapeño oils and flavors out of their pots, fermenters, kegs and lines. Those oils are powerful, and brewing with Jalapeño is messy and it takes a lot of attention to detail in cleaning, and a great cleaning chemical to make that happen, and SAFECID’s brewery cleaner is far and away the best product I’ve ever used to ensure that there is no Jalapeño residue left after cleaning. It just works so well.”
His quest to ensure that he has the cleaning power to get all of his brewery equipment, kegs, and beer lines absolutely clean and free of residues is one reason Chad stopped using the most widely-used powdered brewery cleaner, and why he’s made SAFECID Alkaline Brewery Cleaner the primary cleaning product in his operation. He knows from experience that the extraordinary cleaning power of SAFECID will totally eliminate any hint of Jalapeño and other strong ingredients, but he says the other main reasons he uses SAFECID is the safety factor – and the 0-0-0 HIMS rating and ecological purity of SAFECID. Chad appreciates the fact that SAFECID doesn’t release harsh chemicals into his brewery wastewater and doesn’t see any reason why he should use harsh, dangerous chemicals when SAFECID works better for cleaning, and helps keep him and his employees and customers safe from the harmful accidents that can occur with typical brewery cleaning chemicals.
Why Chad Uses SAFECID Alkaline Brewery and Beer Line Cleaner to SAFELY Clean Everything In His Brewery
At Brewfinity Chad is committed to premium quality and that means taking exceptional care in cleaning. Chad’s focus on “100 percent cleanliness” in his brewing cleaning operation borders on religious zeal, but that’s because brewing high-quality, great-tasting beers requires an understanding that any slight contaminant in the process can spoil the flavor and quality of a beer. Most professional brewers understand this and say that “brewing is 10% brewing and 90% cleaning“ but Chad prefers to say “that brewing is 100% cleaning.” Chad explains that he’s “very OCD about making sure everything in the brewery is really clean; even the floors have to be exceptionally clean.” His son jokes that even “Brewfinity’s floors are clean enough to eat from.” Chad says that “cleanliness is 100% of the process, because it’s not just your equipment, it’s what you’re putting it into. Everything has to be 100% clean.”
No Skin Burns, Eye Damage or Liability Lawsuits From A Customer Drinking Beer From Contaminated Beer Lines
In addition to the incredible cleaning power of SAFECID, Chad says that Safety is the primary reason he uses SAFECID. In the typical brewery and beer line cleaning operations, most brewers and professional beer line cleaners are still using harsh, dangerous chemicals that can burn skin, destroy eyes, and risk serious damage to a customer’s internal organs if they drink a beer from an improperly cleaned line where a beer line cleaning chemical has not been rinsed properly. Brewers are constantly dealing with skin burns and some have literally lost an eye from splashing a brewing cleaning chemical in their face. Customers who have accidentally consumed beer from an improperly rinsed line have sued establishments for millions of dollars in damages. Chad doesn’t see any reason why he should assume so much risk and liability when he can use SAFECID products without fear of bodily harm or lawsuits. He says “SAFECID is 100% safe. I can put my hands in it in full concentration and not worry about burning my skin. I’ve had it splashed in my eyes at full concentration and I still have both my eyes.” He knows from experience that using SAFECID products in his brewery is just the safest and most common sense way to clean his brewery and beer lines.

The Top Three Reasons Chad Uses SAFECID for Brewing Cleaning
1. A 100% Safety Factor: With SAFECID brewery cleaner, you don’t need to worry about harmful chemicals causing damage to your skin or eyes while cleaning. It is safe to use and offers complete protection to your brewers, employees and customers. No chemical accidents means no harm and no lawsuits.
2. Powerful, Effective Cleaning: SAFECID offers an unrivaled cleaning experience that removes oils, residues, and bacterial build-up from your brewing equipment; ensuring that your brewing equipment is clean and hygienic. The results are guaranteed to satisfy even the most demanding of professional brewers.
3. Environmentally-Friendly: SAFECID is a product that aligns with your values as an intelligent and eco-conscious brewer. Its environmentally-friendly qualities ensure that your cleaning process does not have a negative impact on the environment, and it is an excellent choice for establishments that care about sustainability and wastewater discharge.

Would You Like To Try Safecid In Your Craft Brewery for Free?
We believe so strongly in the power and safety of our products that we’d like to offer you a free trial. Jsut fill out a simple form and tell us about your operation and we will reach out to you to discuss free delivery of the right product for your application.